WGXC-90.7 FM

Today's local headlines
Aug 04, 2009 5:39 am
Comprehensive planners extend survey deadline, meet with special interest groups
From The Columbia Paper
Another growth spurt for Valatie
From CCScoop
Local Luminaries: Stephanie Monseu & Keith Nelson
From Chronogram Magazine
From The Columbia Paper
COPAKE - The Copake Comprehensive Plan Committee has extended the deadline for completing the Comprehensive Plan survey until Labor Day, and is scheduling several public meetings for further input. Copake realtors and the public are invited to a meeting Tuesday, August 11 at 7:30 p.m. (the article does not say where), and town officials and the public are invited to another meeting Thursday August 20 (no mention of where or when). E-mail Committee Chair Jeanne Mettler at copakecompplan@aol.com for more information.
Another growth spurt for Valatie
From CCScoop
VALATIE - The Valatie Planning Board could take action tomorrow on a proposed 87-unit development on Route 203, called Kinderkill Meadows, with both town houses and single-family dwellings.
Local Luminaries: Stephanie Monseu & Keith Nelson
From Chronogram Magazine
HUDSON - The August issue of Chronogram profiles the founders of the Bindlestiff Family Cirkus, who moved from Brooklyn to Hudson a few years ago and have taken the town by storm, producing many shows for kids and adults.