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Primary elections set for Tuesday
Jun 24, 2019 12:59 am
The Greene County Board of Elections reports Republicans county-wide go to the polls June 25 to decide who gets the nomination for sheriff. Peter Kusminsky and Diana Benoit are on the GOP ballot to replace Greg Seeley in November. The only other primary election in Greene County is in Windham, where Thomas Hoyt, Nick Bove, and Donald Murray Jr. are running for for town supervisor on the Independence Party line. In Columbia County, there are many more primaries June 25, but no county-wide elections. Hudson has the most voting, with Democrats deciding between incumbent Rick Rector and challenger Kamal Johnson for mayor. Democrats in the First Ward in Hudson also vote for two candidates among Rebecca Wolff, Jane Trombley, Ginna Moore, and Adam Weinert. Weinert recently pulled out of the race, though his name will appear on the ballot. In the Second Ward, Hudson Democrats have two elections: a primary for supervisor with Willette Jones against Abdus Miah. For Alderperson in the 2nd Ward, incumbent Tiffany Garriga faces challengers Mohammed M. Rony and Dewon Sarower, with the two top vote getters receiving Democratic nominations. In the Third Ward, two of the four of John Darby, Rafael Pimentel, Shershah Mizan, and Calvin G. Lewis Jr. will get the nominations. In the 4th Ward, incumbent Rich Volo and challengers Malachi Walker and John Rosenthal are seeking two nominations. In Chatham, Conservative Party members choose between Maria Lull and Richard Hallock for town supervisor. In Gallatin, the Independence Party has a primary for town justice between Tia S. Denenberg and Shane C. Bower. In Kinderhook, the Conservative Party and Independence Party have just Patsy Leader on the ballot, and the Green Party has a blank ballot. In New Lebanon, the Independence Party has just Louis "Bud" Godfroy III on the ballot, with no one on the Green Party ballot.