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Man dies after being Tasered by Catskill police and catching on fire
Brendan J. Lyons reports in the Times Union that Jason Jones, the 29-year-old Catskill man who burst into flames after Catskill police used a Taser to subdue him, died Dec. 15 after being removed from a ventilator in an intensive care unit at Upstate University Hospital in Syracuse. Jones was on the ventilator for 48 days. In late October, Jones entered the Village of Catskill police station and doused himself with hand sanitizer, which is combustible. A confrontation with police ensued, and the police Taser, apparently, sparked a fire. "I think they were afraid he was going to hurt himself, and that’s what started it," Police Chief Dave Darling said in early November. "There are still details that we’re trying to develop." So far, the state attorney general's office has not indicated that it will seek to take over the investigation from the office of Greene County District Attorney Joseph Stanzione, something typical of investigations involving the police. Both the lawyer for Jones, Kevin A. Luibrand, and the police are staying mum on the matter. "We've requested preservation of all recordings and written materials and have no further comment," Luibrand said last month. Read more about this story in the Times Union.