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Austerlitz considering pet crematory proposal
Jun 19, 2018 7:30 am
Peter Flierl is reporting for The Columbia Paper the Austerlitz Planning Board has extended public comment on a proposal for an expanded non-profit dog rescue and care kennel, along with commercial small-animal crematorium, to be located on a residential property. Susan Bandy has a home-based business in Austerlitz and has been certified to operate a pet crematorium. The proposed crematorium is a state-of-the-art, two-chamber system, designed to emit no smell and no smoke. Karen Walker, who has operated a pet crematorium in Hudson for many years, wants to retire soon, and is hoping to sell her equipment to Bandy. Walker said she has received no complaints from neighbors in Hudson and has provided her services to clients from New York City, Rochester, Syracuse, and as far away as California. Following the planning board discussion June 7, Bandy withdrew the crematorium application so it could be referred to the Austerlitz Zoning Board of Appeals. The referral was required for new commercial use. The planning board will act on the kennel proposal at its next meeting. Read the full story in The Columbia Paper.