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Hudson Common Council to vote on resolution about county use of Warren St. property
Tiffany Greenwaldt-Simon reports for HudsonValley360.com that the Hudson Common Council is considering a resolution opposing the use of 11 Warren St. for county offices. Common Council members complain that Columbia County could get office space almost anywhere. The building is in the city’s Downtown Revitalization District, where mixed-use commercial and residential development is favored. Previously the building was used as offices for the Galvan Foundation, Bard College and Coarc, and the Hudson Youth Clubhouse used the property for the past year. Hudson’s First Ward Councilmember Gary Purnhagen said, "When you step back, it’s just not a good use at all.... The property is very valuable and underutilized.... We could do so much more. I would like to see a development that is supported by all stakeholders, that supports meaningful retail that makes sense, and that is welcoming and provides a community use similar to what the clubhouse was doing.” Columbia County Board of Supervisors Chair Matt Murell said, “The building has been purchased by us at a substantial amount of taxpayer money, and our plan is to stay the course." Meanwhile, the Hudson Common Council will vote on the resolution at its Feb. 20 meeting. Read more about this story at HudsonValley360.com.