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Is a different kind of fracking legal in NY?
May 13, 2016 2:10 pm
Scott Waldman in Politico New York reports that the state Department of Environmental Conservation wants more information before ruling on a proposal to frack for natural gas in the Southern Tier using propane and sand rather than water. Tioga Partners LLC entered an application that the DEC has deemed incomplete, that would get around Governor Andrew Cuomo's 2014 state ban on hydraulic fracturing. Under this proposal, the fracking would be done with liquefied petroleum gas and sand instead of water to split rocks to get to the gas. Linda Collart, the DEC’s regional mineral resources supervisor, said the department is trying to “make a determination if this relatively unique fracturing technology that has not heretofore been subject to a full environmental analysis has the potential to cause significant adverse environmental impacts.” Read the full story in Politico New York.