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AG announces new police cam program
Jul 30, 2018 5:45 am
Rachel Silberstein is reporting for the Times Union Attorney General Barbara D. Underwood announced July 27, the creation of a statewide police camera program. The Capture an Account of a Material Situation, or CAMS, program will designate $2 million seized in joint federal-state organized crime prosecutions to fund body-worn cameras at local law-enforcement agencies. Underwood said in a statement, "Body cameras help ensure increased accountability and transparency during law enforcement interactions. Yet too often, local police departments don't have the resources to buy them." To be eligible for funds, law enforcement agencies must have between 130 and 3,000 sworn officers, be a local town, city, or county police agency, and be able to secure a cash match, covering 25 percent of the total amount to be spent. Online applications are due by Sept. 7. Read the full story in the Times Union.