The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation issued a "Notice of Complete Application" to
Stiefel Laboratories, Inc., last week. The East Durham business, was going to close a few years ago, but is now transitioning from a facility manufacturing dermatological products to one making toothpaste. The proposed site development includes construction of a Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP), decommissioning of the existing WWTP, construction of raw material bulk storage silos and aqueous storage tanks, expansion of an existing building, expansion of an existing access road and conversion of existing site gravel access ways to asphalt. The total acreage of new impervious area is 2.27 acres. Total acreage of site disturbance is approximately 11.6 acres, of which approximately 1.5 acres is conversion of the existing pond into a stormwater treatment pond. Impacts to jurisdictional waters of the U.S. will be related to construction of an access road to the new wastewater treatment plant and conversion of the existing isolated pond to a stormwater treatment pond. Approximately 0.046 acre of federally regulated wetlands and 140 linear feet of stream channel will be permanently impacted by the project. Mitigation will comprise placement of a restrictive covenant on the unnamed tributary of Thorpe Creek that flows through the southern section of the facility property. Additionally, a restrictive covenant will be placed on an adjacent 50 foot buffer on both sides of the stream or to the property line where the distance between the stream and the property line is less than 50 feet. Comments on this project must be submitted in writing to the Contact Person no later than July 21.
Contact Person: Karen M. Gaidasz, NYSDEC, 1130 N. Wescott Rd., Schenectady, NY 12306
Case # DM1T07/08#54616