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Germantown highway superintendent to stay an elected position
Natasha Vaughn is reporting for Columbia-Greene Media that Germantown voters decided on June 19 to keep the town highway superintendent an elected office. Residents rejected the alternative, which was to make it an appointed position. Town Supervisor Robert Beaury said the vote was 339 to 176 in favor of keeping the position elected. The proposition will likely not come before the town again, Beaury said. The superintendent of highways is the head of the town Department of Public Works and is responsible for the functions and duties of the former highway and maintenance departments. Richard Jennings, the current elected highway superintendent, will retire at the end of this year and will not seek reelection. The Germantown highway superintendent is paid $61,500, receives medical benefits, Social Security contributions, and contributions to the New York State Retirement system. The town’s next highway superintendent will be elected in November, Beaury said. With the special election over, the two political parties now have ample time to hold their respective caucuses and nominate candidates to run. “We’re glad the voters came out, and we thank them for their vote,” Beaury said. “And we move forward, the democratic system works." Read the full story at HudsonValley360 [dot] com.