WGXC-90.7 FM

Today is voter registration deadline

Oct 11, 2013 12:10 am
Today, Fri., Oct. 11, is the final day to register to be eligible to vote in the Nov. 5 General Election. Mail applications must be postmarked no later than Oct. 11 and reach the board of elections by Oct. 16. Voters may register in person at the local board of elections or at any state agency participating in the National Voter Registration Act by the close of business today. The last day for a change of address is Oct. 16, to guarantee it will be processed and entered into the records in time for the General Election. For more information, contact the Columbia County Board of Elections at 828-3115 or stop by 401 State Street in Hudson. In Greene County, visit the board of elections office at 411 Main Street in Catskill, or call 719-3550.