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Greene County Republicans back Constanzo for open judge seat
Andrea Macko reports in Porcupine Soup that Greene County Republicans backed David Costanzo to run for an open Greene County Court judge seat at their nominating meeting Feb. 25 in Catskill. Terry Wilhelm is stepping down as Greene County Judge Jan. 1, because of a mandated retirement age of 70 for judges in New York. The Republicans picked Constanzo over Catskill attorney Monica Kenny-Keff. In an interview, Costanzo stressed his support for gun rights. Constanzo said, “The Second Amendment is a fundamental Constitutional right, and the protection of that Constitutional right is of the utmost importance to me.” Republicans also backed incumbents Sheriff Peter Kusminsky and County Clerk Marilyn Farrell, and endorsed Gerard Buckley and Breanna Lennon for county coroner. Voting for these posts is in October and November. Read more about this story in Porcupine Soup.