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Cuomo's "transparency" summit isn't so far, McLaughlin says
May 21, 2015 12:02 am
Casey Seiler in Capitol Confidential reports that Assembly Republican Steve McLaughlin released a statement denouncing Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s transparency summit this Friday, which still lacks a location, or a final list of attendees. It is even unclear if the public will be allowed to attend or view the transpareny event. Perhaps the Cuomo administration policy of automoatically deleting emails after 90 days may be discussed at the event. “Cuomo has a history of using half-hearted promises and deception to appear as though he is actually working on behalf of the people of New York," McLaughlin, who represents parts of Columbia and Rensselear counties in Albany, wrote. "Why waste taxpayer money and hold a summit on a Friday just before Memorial Day weekend when he could easily hold a meeting on a session day when most legislators are in Albany? The answer is that he doesn’t want anyone to show up so there is no dissent and he can claim the credit and media coverage himself." Read the full story in Capitol Confidential.