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Ulster Co. hires former Greene Co. official
Mar 13, 2012 1:26 pm
Patricia Doxsey reports in the Daily Freeman the former head of the Greene County Industrial Development Agency, Alexander "Sandy" Mathes, has been hired by the Ulster County Legislature to fill the part-time post of deputy clerk of finance, effective March 5. Mathes was named head of the county IDA in 2002. Despite a tenure marked by economic success, he left in 2011 amid criticism over his salary and bonus structure. Among those successes, Doxsey writes, was the attraction of Empire Merchants North (formerly Colony Liquor and Wine Distributors) to a Greene County Empire Development Zone from a site in Kingston. Mathes remained on the Greene County payroll through last month, continuing to draw a weekly salary of approximately $2,500. “We’re just tremendously lucky to have this guy,” said Ulster County Legislature Chairwoman Terry Bernardo. Read the full story in the Daily Freeman.