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Results of church inspection released
Daniel Zuckerman is reporting in The Daily Mail the Catskill village code enforcement officer has declared the foundation of St. Patrick's Church strong, but said the historic building does require extensive renovations. Village officials made the report public, Wed., Dec. 14 at a meeting of the Village Board. Code enforcement also said the ceiling is in danger of collapse, and mold is rampant throughout the basement of the church. The building was inspected on November 26. Explaining why the inspection took place, Village President Heather Bagshaw said, "We as a village entity wrote a letter to the Diocese asking for access into the church so we could make sure that building was sound and safe for the community." Village Code Enforcement Officer Michael Ragaini found the only problematic part of the church was the ceiling. "Most of the rest of the church seemed intact and structurally sound," he said. "My opinion, the whole building structure is not in any danger of collapsing or compromising, except for the ceiling structure." The Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany shuttered the Catskill church 10 years ago, and announced its permanent closure in May. The diocese said the 131-year-old historic building was in poor structural condition, and the needed repairs were cost prohibitive. Read the full story in The Daily Mail.