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Today's local headlines
Jul 15, 2009 2:07 pm
Carolyn Maloney is now getting some push-back from the press for her decision to challenge Kirsten Gillibrand for the Democratic nomination for U.S. Senator from New York. PolitickerNY has a profile of Maloney headlined that she is "all over the place" and that implies she is a bit difficult to work with. The Albany Project compares Maloney and Gillibrand political positions and finds that while Maloney charges Gillibrand with being too conservative for New York, she doesn't exactly have a progressive voting record. "As Swing State Project revealed back in March, Carolyn Maloney is among the top 30 Democratic members of Congress whose records are significantly more conservative than the voting patterns of their districts," the site says. For instance, Maloney believed the Bush nonsense and voted for the Iraq war and The Patriot Act; she also voted to repeal part of The Glass Stegall Act, which many observers think led to much of the current financial mess; she criticizes Gillibrand for being anti-immigration but voted for the silly Mexican border fence; and voted to formalize long-term trade with China, despite their many human-rights abuses.... The Ancram Town Comprehensive Plan Committee completed its work Monday and will present the finished Comprehensive Plan to the Town Board at its Thursday meeting, according to The Columbia Paper.... The Daily Mail reports Republicans in the Town of Hunter endorsed Dolph Semenza for a board seat, incumbent James Volker for Town Justice (beating Hunter businessman Paul Solodar 59-21), incumbent councilman Daryl Legg, who last ran on the Democratic ticket, for the second seat on the council, and Democrat John Farrell, the incumbent Highway Superintendent.... The Daily Mail also reports that the Catskill Village Board approved a new, two-year $1,051,000 contract with the Catskill Police Department Monday night, though the story fails to mention whether this is an increase or decrease.