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CSX responds to oil train safety concerns
Katie Kocijanski writes in The Daily Mail on the efforts by CSX Corporation to keep the rail lines, and the communities around them, safe. Trains carrying oil cars routinely traverse Greene and Columbia counties, sometimes through densely populated areas. A CSX spokesperson said, “Safety has always been the highest priority for CSX Corp. Over the last two and a half years, we have redoubled our safety efforts for our shipments." The company has increased the frequency of track inspections, has reduced the speed limit on the tracks and is now sharing more information with local first responders on how to respond to a crude oil accident. The company has also created the mobile app, CSX Rail Respond. The app provides information to firefighters, police officers and other emergency personnel about hazardous materials being transported. The app also makes recommendations on how to property respond to an incident. Other safety measures in effect include the installation of more efficient braking systems on trains and stronger tank cars for specific substances. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, the amount of oil transported by train in this country has increased by approximately 5,000 percent in the last six years. Read the full story in The Daily Mail.