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Delgado wants shutdown to end
Jan 17, 2019 12:43 am
Lauren Dezenski at CNN asked Rep. Antonio Delgado (D-Rhinebeck), just in his second week in office, about the government shutdown, that's been going on for almost a month. "It needs to come to an end. From farmers to business owners to federal employees in upstate, we're seeing the real consequences of the shutdown. It's incredibly irresponsible, especially considering it all comes down to playing politics over an antiquated solution to border security," Delgado said. He also continued his transparency pledge. "I will hold one town hall in each of the 11 counties in my district within my first year in office," he said. He has also added an Events calendar on his Congressional website, though it is not listing his appearance Jan. 19 at the Women March On! in Hudson. Delgado will announce a new regional office opening in Delhi soon. Read the full story at the CNN website.