Kyle Adams is reporting in The Daily Mail the increased cost of employee benefits were the focus of the Greene County budget hearing at Catskill High School, Mon., Nov. 18. County Administrator Shaun Groden said health care costs and contributions to the New York State retirement system were the “primary drivers” behind the proposed $103 million 2014 county budget, an increase of $3 million over 2013. Under the proposed spending plan the tax levy will increase 6.3 percent, coming in under the state's mandated tax cap. Health care alone will go up 26 percent, a $2 million increase over the current year. Outside of the greater health care and pension costs, Groden called the budget "status quo." He said the plan reflected fiscal responsibility and discipline. The 2014 spending plan will be presented for formal approval by the Greene County Legislature, Wed., Nov. 20.
Read the full story in The Daily Mail.