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School budgets pass in both counties
May 20, 2015 6:58 am
Columbia-Greene Media is reporting school budgets in Columbia and Greene counties were overwhelmingly approved by voters, Tue., May 19. Spending proposals in the Chatham, Germantown, Hudson, Ichabod Crane, New Lebanon and Taconic Hills districts were accepted by a margin of nearly two to one. The story was the same in Greene County. Budgets in Catskill, Cairo-Durham, Coxsackie-Athens, Greenville, Hunter-Tannersville and Windham-Ashland-Jewett all passed by a substantial margin. The Ichabod Crane bus proposition and Taconic Hills capital reserve fund proposition passed. Voters in the Chatham district agreed to seat a student representative on the Board of Education. Voters in the Hunter-Tannersville district elected John Alzstrauts to the Board of Education, thereby ousting current board president Penelope Fromer. And the Coxsackie-Athens board election ended in a tie between newcomers Christopher Chimento and Williams Gates for one of three contested seats. District officials and board members were unclear as to how to proceed as of election night. The district would either hold a special election, or determine the outcome in some other way. Read the full board election and budget vote coverage in The Daily Mail and the Register-Star.