WGXC-90.7 FM

Morris Assoc. withdraws as Hudson engineer on Colarusso project

Mar 08, 2017 8:00 am

Nick Olivari is reporting in the Register-Star Morris Associates, the consulting engineer advising the town of Greenport on the A. Colarusso and Son haul proposal, will not also advise the city of Hudson on the same project, presumably due to a real or perceived conflict of interest. Hudson Planning Board Chairman Tom DePietro told the paper that Ray Jurkowski, a Morris Associates partner, was asked by the Greenport board to recuse himself. The Hudson board was informed of the decision last week, DePietro said. Morris Associates had been advising both planning boards on the proposed Colarusso haul road project. No further details are known. Neither Jurkowski or the Greenport Planning Board are talking. Morris Associates represents 13 municipalities in Columbia County, including Greenport, but not the city of Hudson, according to the firm's website. Editor's note: DePietro is an active WGXC volunteer programmer. Read the full story in the Register-Star.