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Pat Ryan announces ServeNY, his new PAC
Patricia Doxsey is reporting for the Daily Freeman Ulster County Executive Pat Ryan has announced his new political action committee ServeNY. With the PAC, the first-term Democrat hopes to promote and support a new group of elected leaders statewide who have demonstrated a willingness to put their communities first through their service to their country, their community or on the front lines through the COVID-19 pandemic. "It's a passion project of mine," said Ryan of the leadership PAC. "It's kind of a way for me to give back some of what I got when I first ran for elected office." Ryan has already raised $250,000 from supporters and is expected to launch a website for the project soon. ServeNY will provide assistance in three main areas: to mentor and support candidates with the fundamentals of running for office, how to get on a ballot, navigating local political committees and running a campaign; providing policy support and helping candidates build a platform and a campaign; and financial support and fundraising. Ryan said the PAC will focus on Democratic candidates running or looking to run in races in all areas of government across New York, and will begin endorsing candidates running for election in the fall. He does not expect the PAC to endorse candidates in Ulster County. Ryan said he envisions the PAC supporting candidates who served in the military, emergency medical and other first responders and others who have "a proven record of putting their community ahead of themselves." Read more in the Daily Freeman.