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Delgado, Maloney want report public
Apr 01, 2019 12:21 am
Ryan Santistevan reports in the Poughkeepsie Journal that Democratic Congressmen Antonio Delgado and Sean Maloney said March 29 at a forum in Poughkeepsie that the full report from Robert Mueller, about Russian intervention in the 2016 election, should be released to the public. "We continue to engage in partisanship and it's a shame and it's dangerous and it leaves us incredibly vulnerable because you have to understand the big picture here," Delgado said. "What the Russians are trying to do is de-legitimate democracy and they are winning." Though only Democrats were featured on this particular stage, Maloney and Delgado emphasized that they believe releasing the report should not be partisan. In a separate interview, Republican Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro said he agrees. "We all have to be engaged in a conversation that puts aside party politics and focuses on just getting the job done and compromising a bit to get the job done," Molinaro said. "I think we have done that in Dutchess and it's one of the reasons we will work with anyone who is honest and earnest." Maloney didn't see releasing the report as a big deal. "Everybody from Donald Trump to Devin Nunes has said that they should release the report, so lets release the report, let's let you all read it," Maloney said. Read the full story in the Poughkeepsie Journal.