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Pipeline companies want quick DEC approval

Dec 27, 2015 2:36 pm
Marie J. French in the Albany Business Review reports that the companies behind two proposed natural gas pipelines are pushing New York's Department of Environmental Conservation for quick approval. "Bird migration patterns" are the latest reason that Cabot Oil & Gas and Kinder Morgan want quick approval for, respectively, the Constitution Pipeline and the Northeast Energy Direct Pipeline. If approved, both would bring natural gas from Pennsylvania to Schoharie County, with the NED pipeline continuing across Albany and Rensselear counties into Massachusetts. “If we don’t get something this year, with each day that passes, it becomes more and more difficult to meet our in-service date,” Constitution pipeline spokesman Chris Stockton said, referring to the second half of 2016, when the pipeline is scheduled to begin service. “We’re confident that we can still make our in-service date if we get approval before the end of the year.” Read the full story in the Albany Business Review.