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Gibson talks healthcare in Poughkeepsie
Jun 24, 2017 12:10 am
Richard Moody in the Register-Star reports that former U.S. Rep. Chris Gibson (R-Kinderhook) spoke June 22 at the Poughkeepsie Grand Hotel about the healthcare plan being debated in Washington D.C. Taking questions after his speech, he was asked about healthcare. “I think both parties are in denial. The partisan Democrats believe this system is going to work but we have seen the percentage of counties with one insurer go from 7 percent to 32 percent in one year’s time,” Gibson said. “The Republicans think they are going to replace this with only Republican policy. They didn’t learn anything from what happened in 2010. How can you be surprised if the Congressional Budget Office comes out and doesn’t score it well.” He is not hopeful. “Republican-only plans are not going to get enacted and I think ultimately we are going to need real leadership that says, ‘We are going to have to do this together,’” Gibson said. “If we don’t do anything, we are going to continue to see the degradation of the kind of health care we want to have.” Read the full story in the Register-Star.