WGXC-90.7 FM

Today's local headlines
Jul 30, 2009 4:04 am
Paterson calls for disaster declaration
From The Columbia Paper
Is Scott Murphy in the clear?
From The In Box
Town Board finally sets public hearing for Comprehensive Plan
From Chatham Courier
Man and Nature: Aurum, an installation by Laetitia Hussain
From The Register-Star
Mother Fletcher perform at Bard College's Spiegeltent at 7 p.m.
From The Columbia Paper
Governor David Paterson requested the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) designate Columbia and 16 other counties as agricultural disaster areas. Local farmers report problems with tomato, cherry, strawberry, rye, oats, and other crops this summer.
Is Scott Murphy in the clear?
From The In Box
The North Country Public Radio blog reports that national Republicans are not running ads in U.S. Representative (D-20) Scott Murphy's district, and do not seem to be targeting the new Congressman. The Albany Times-Union's Capitol Confidential reported in mid-July that the Democrat hauled in $567,000 from April 1-June 30.
Town Board finally sets public hearing for Comprehensive Plan
From Chatham Courier
CHATHAM — A public hearing has been set for the revised draft of the town’s Comprehensive Plan Aug. 20, after the public hearing for the Leash Law.
Man and Nature: Aurum, an installation by Laetitia Hussain
From The Register-Star
CATSKILL - Andrew Amelinckx's blog reviews Laetitia Hussain's show "Aurum" at Terenchin Fine Art. The Hudson-baes artist, "uses cast-off items, both natural and man-made to talk about the relationship between humanity and nature in its positive and negative aspects," writes Amelinckx. "The work’s gilding helps to integrate the pieces internally and as a whole, they suffer from a loss of the individual color characteristics of the materials used."
Mother Fletcher perform at Bard College's Spiegeltent at 7 p.m.