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Columbia Co. clerk announces upcoming DMV office closings
Oct 25, 2020 5:30 am
Columbia County Clerk Holly Tanner last week announced on Facebook that due to county furloughs the Hudson Department of Motor Vehicles office will be closed Fri., Oct. 30; Fri., Nov. 13; and Wed., Nov. 25. Of special note: the entire building will be closed on the 25th. In May, the Columbia County Board of Supervisors imposed a furlough program on county employees, including those in management roles, to offset some of the budget shortfall created by the pandemic. "My apologies for any inconvenience this is causing but there was no other choice," Tanner wrote in her message. The office will also be closed on the union-negotiated holidays of Election Day, Nov. 3; Veterans Day, Nov. 11; and Thanksgiving, Nov. 26 and 27. The county mandated furloughs end in December, "so hopefully that will even things out a bit," Tanner said. "I wish it could be another way, but I was really left with no other options. I appreciate your business and your understanding." The DMV office is seeing a lot of traffic; social distancing is enforced and masks are required. Tanner does encourage anyone who feels uncomfortable coming to the office in person to reach out to her office for assistance at (518) 828-3339.