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Corrections officers picket over safety concerns
Melanie Lekocevic is reporting in The Daily Mail corrections officers from the Coxsackie and Greene correctional facilities staged an informational picket line on Route 9W on Mon., Jul. 11. Similar picket lines were staged at various correctional facilities statewide during the past two months. According to union representative Todd Looman, reports of assault and contraband are up in all state facilities. Since 2010, the number of assaults on staff members has increased by 55 percent, he said. The picketing officers are asking the state to "stand fast on the disciplinary process," Looman said. The union wants the state to continue the use of solitary confinement for incarcerated adults and juveniles alike. Looman said the union has filed a grievance with the state to voice their concerns, but so far every grievance raised has been rejected. The picket line on Route 9W is expected to continue through the rest of this week. Read the full story in The Daily Mail.