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Today's local headlines

Jun 29, 2009 4:44 am
The New York State Senate continued to pretend to play Senate on Sunday, instead of doing an actual work for the people of New York, according to Capitol Confidential....WAMC's Alan Chartock interviews many members of Congress inside the station's listening area, but brought in NYC Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney last week on his "Congressional Corner" show. Maloney has been blasting New York Senator Kirstin Gillibrand ahead of an expected primary challenge. Listen to the interview here. Devtob from The Albany Project said of the Maloney chat that, "the [Congressional Corner] interviews are generally slow-pitch softball, but Maloney's was worse that that -- it was as if Chartock and she were on the same team and he was tossing batting practice." Maloney does not attack Gillibrand much -- devtob speculates it is because WAMC covers her former Congressional district, the NY-20, which includes Greene and Columbia counties -- but Chartock talks about the importance of primary elections. Chartock previously supported John Sweeney against Gillibrand in 2006, and (though he now claims he supported Maloney) Caroline Kennedy rather than Gillibrand to fill Senator Hillary Clinton's Senate seat....Mid-Hudson News has an unbylined story about a State Supreme Court ruling dismissing Entergy’s petition to overturn a decision by the State Department of Environmental Conservation that said that Indian Point’s cooling water intake system causes adverse environmental impacts on Hudson River fish. The story quotes an Entergy spokesman, and another pro-Indian Point group, but not Riverkeeper or any Hudson River advocacy groups....The Greene County Local Courier (no web site) reports that Greenville Republicans have nominated Paul Macko for Supervisor, Richard Baer and Kenneth Stern for council, Richard Hempstead for Highway Superintendent, Ronnie Campbell for Town Clerk, Mary Yeomans for Tax Collector, and Richard Schreiber for Justice. Current Town Supervisor Kevin Lewis is running for the Greene County Legislature seat that Ken Dudley is leaving. The paper also reports that Coxsackie hired Jason Shaw as village attorney and Laurel Mann as code enforcement officer.