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Gillibrand has amendment for Farm Bill
Jun 27, 2018 1:14 pm
The Mid-Hudson News Network reports reports that after House Republicans, including Rep. John Faso (R-Kinderhook), voted last week to pass a Farm Bill that cuts food stamp benefits, the Senate is taking up their own version of the bill this week. New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand has offered an amendment to the bill for a new grant program investing in efforts to launch local companies and create new jobs. “It would promote investment in our rural communities,” Gillibrand said. “It would make it much easier for entrepreneurs in our rural areas to get the capital that they need to start up and grow and it would finally stop the trend of jobs leaving rural New York.” The House barely passed the Farm Bill last week, 213 to 211. The Senate is expected to vote on their version this week before the July 4 holiday. Read the full story at the Mid-Hudson News Network.