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Ryan, Molinaro, and Gibson stump in Saugerties for medical coverage for military families
Roger Hannigan Gilson reports in the Times Union that three of the last four 19th Congressional District representatives are lobbying for a bill that would allow the adult children of service members to stay on their parent’s health insurance until age 26. Current 18th Congressional District Rep. Pat Ryan, a Democrat, and Republican Rep. Marc Molinaro and former Rep. Chris Gibson, also a Republican, were in Saugerties on June 3, saying the bill would create fairness between insurance coverage for military families and the rest of Americans, who have been able to stay on their parent’s insurance until 26 since the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010. Ryan called the disparity between coverage for armed services families and civilian families “a grave injustice” and said the kids of soldiers “really, really bear a tremendous burden.” He asked, “If we can’t solve something like this, what are we doing?" Molinaro, the current 19th Congressional District representative, said the bill, “will expand health care coverage for military families who have made tremendous sacrifices in protection of our nation, freedoms and way of life.” Gibson said his 21-year-old son was kicked off his plan when he graduated college early and he said that the current structure of the law did not “incentivize productivity.” Read more about this story in the Times Union.