WGXC-90.7 FM

Cleater, Dewan have 'Foggy Notion' in Rosendale
Jul 04, 2015 9:53 am
Augmented Reality installation 'Foggy Notion' at Widow Jane Mine by John Cleater and Brian Dewan from John Cleater on Vimeo.
The "augmented reality" installation by John Cleater and Brian Dewan 'Foggy Notion' is at Widow Jane Mine in Rosendale. "Channeling vibrations from deep inside the Widow Jane Mine in Rosendale, NY, John Cleater has created an eery Augmented Reality installation, with a soundtrack by Brian Dewan using his Swarmatron," the press release says.
An app is available for download on the Apple and Google Play App stores so you will be able to use your own device when visiting the Widow Jane Mine.
Download the app for iphones and ipads here: itunes.apple.com/us/app/widow-jane-mine/id1008139300?ls=1&mt=8
download the app for android devices here: play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.johncleater.widowjanegyro
Just load the app and point it towards the body of water inside the mine to see a 'Foggy Notion'. You may also enjoy looking at Foggy Notion in other dark and damp spaces.
The Century House Historical Society
The Snyder Estate,
668 Route 213
Rosendale, NY