WGXC-90.7 FM

Legislative hearing on Lafarge this Thursday
Jan 18, 2011 9:03 am
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="200" caption="Lafarge Cement's plans for changes to its Ravena plant culminate, for now, with a legislative hearing at the Ravena High School on THursday, January 20 at 6:00 PM."]
[/caption]A formal legislative hearing on proposed changes at the Lafarge cement plant in Ravena, billed by the major company as an updating but seen by opponents as an expansion, will take place at the Ravena High School at 6 p.m. on this Thursday, January 20. Barring written comments, which can be submitted through the coming month, this is currently the last major scheduled public event involving the plant plans from Lafarge, whose Ravena facility was named the state's top air polluter by the federal Environmental Protection Agency late last year. WGXC has been recording all hearings on this subject, including a presentation by the Harvard University School of Health, commissioned by main plant expansion opponents CASE (Community Advocates for Safe Emissions) given earlier this month. Friends of Hudson, which came together to challenge growth plans by St. Lawrence Cement in Columbia County last decade, is also becoming a major element in this process.
For a record of the public hearing Lafarge's plans from December 8, click here, or copy and paste the following url into your computer’s media player:
For audio of a hearing on Phase 1 of a state Department of Health study on the plant and its plans, which took place on Thursday, December 9, 2010, click here, or copy and paste the following url into your computer’s media player:
For a record of the Jan. 6 Harvard Pubnlic Health College study presentation on Lafarge and its surrounding community, click here, or paste the following url into your computer’s media player:
Finally, for an earlier story on how all this is playing out in the local media, including us, check our earlier story on the subject here.

For a record of the public hearing Lafarge's plans from December 8, click here, or copy and paste the following url into your computer’s media player:
For audio of a hearing on Phase 1 of a state Department of Health study on the plant and its plans, which took place on Thursday, December 9, 2010, click here, or copy and paste the following url into your computer’s media player:
For a record of the Jan. 6 Harvard Pubnlic Health College study presentation on Lafarge and its surrounding community, click here, or paste the following url into your computer’s media player:
Finally, for an earlier story on how all this is playing out in the local media, including us, check our earlier story on the subject here.