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While AT&T drops OAN, Mid-Hudson Cable continues to air lies about election, COVID-19, and war in Ukraine
Bloomberg News reports that AT&T's DirectTV will drop the propaganda channel "One America News Network" this week, while local outlet Mid-Hudson Cable continues to include the channel. Mid-Hudson Cable, based in Catskill, added the network last year and another from owner Herring Networks Inc., a lifestyle channel AWE that stands for “A Wealth of Entertainment.” Mid-Hudson Cable already carries Newsmax, another propaganda network masquerading as a news channel, and Fox News, where a judge ruled recently that Tucker Carlson's show could not be considered news. OAN, though, has been repeatedly lying about who won the 2020 presidential election, about how serious the COVID-19 pandemic is, and now about Russia's war in Ukraine. Here is one OAN host recently lying about Russia on air. Click here to download or play an excerpt of an OAN telecast on Mid-Hudson Cable.