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Hunter landfill could draw more fines
Dec 26, 2016 12:04 am
Greg Hudson reports in The Daily Mail that Hunter officials have continuing problems with the town's defunct landfill that was never capped. Waste in the landfill is exposed to the air and any rainwater that falls,
and the toxic run-off continues until the town caps the landfill. The landfill was closed 20 years ago, but in 2015 the state’s Department of Environmental Conservation discovered that part of the landfill’s wastewater treatment system was not functioning properly.
Iron, copper, cadmium, lead, ammonia, and zinc were all leaching from the landfill, and the town paid $7,000 in fines and promised to stop further leaching.
"The entire landfill is unlined and uncapped," DEC representative Kevin O'Connor said. "At this time there is no discussion of capping the old portion of the landfill."
Lexington resident and lifelong sanitation worker Sal Mancuso said., "You could be looking at hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of remediation." Read the full story in The Daily Mail.