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Kinderhook ZBA to hear Shainman appeal Dec. 28

Dec 20, 2020 6:00 am

Emilia Teasdale is reporting for The Columbia Paper Kinderhook village Code Enforcement Officer Peter Bujanow announced last week the Zoning Board of Appeals will meet on December 28 and discuss the matter of the Jack Shainman Gallery. The gallery is located on Broad Street in the former Martin Van Buren public school. At issue: the black vinyl letters in the artwork “Truth Be Told,” stretched roughly 160 feet across the facade of the building. Bujanow denied approval for the plan to put the vinyl letters on the building and now the gallerist must appeal his denial to the ZBA. At the November village board meeting, board members and the town attorney, Rob Fitzsimmons, stressed that it is up to the ZBA to review an appeal from The School and decide whether the work violates village zoning law. Information about ZBA meetings is available online at www [dot] villageofkinderhook [dot] org. At the December village board meeting, Mayor Dale R. Leiser announced the village had received an environmental variance from the state so the village may now move forward with the demolition of a building located at 48 William Street. The village board has been discussing the condition of the building for years, but at its meeting last month, several residents of the street spoke about the safety issues presented by the building's condition. Leiser said bids for the demolition work would go out by December 11. The board will open the bids and, with the attorney’s approval, accept a bid at its next meeting on January 13. Read the full story in The Columbia Paper.