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Cuomo keeps media away for budget announcement

Jan 17, 2017 1:03 pm
Casey Seiler reports in Capitol Confidential that Albany reporters rejected several attempts by Gov. Andrew Cuomo's administration to tailor coverage of the governor's budget proposal on Jan. 17. With a deadline to release the Executive Budget Proposal by law, the administration scrambled Tuesday to present the proposal to the media and the public. Cuomo’s Chief of Staff Melissa DeRosa and spokesperson Rich Azzopardi offered members of the Legislative Correspondents Association a mid-afternoon briefing at the Executive Mansion with Cuomo and budget officials that would be embargoed for release until after 7 p.m. Cuomo was scheduled to brief Assembly members at that time, so he did not want any information public. But the LCA rejected that idea, and so Cuomo's officials offered a second option: an embargoed mid-afternoon session Tuesday or an embargo-less press conference in the Red Room on Jan. 18. They rejected those offers, and now Cuomo will livecast his 7 p.m. Jan. 17 presentation to the Assembly, without reporters allowed to attend. "The sense of the LCA was that, while the governor was free to livecast and hold briefings at his pleasure, the reporters would not negotiate the timely reporting of a matter of significant public interest such as the contents of his budget proposal," Seiler wrote. Read the full story in Capitol Confidential.