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Dutchess Legislature's Dem caucus ask Molinaro to enforce COVID safety rules
Pat Doxsey is reporting for the Daily Freeman Democratic lawmakers January 10, asked Dutchess County Executive Marc Molinaro to enforce the county’s COVID-safety guidance after Republicans, including Majority Leader Will Truitt and Legislature Clerk Leigh Wagner, declined to wear masks during the Legislature's January 4 organizational meeting. In their letter, the eight-member Democratic caucus asked the executive to enforce the CDC recommendation and the county’s own guidance urging that masks be worn in all indoor public places, including the county office building. That recommendation states that masks are recommended in substantial or high-transmission area — "...even if you are vaccinated.” The Dutchess County Health Department also recommends masks be worn in indoor public spaces. According to the press release, in addition to Truitt and Wagner, Republican Legislator Mike Polasek declined to wear a mask during the meeting. Chair Gregg Pulver, who was seated next to Wagner on the dais, did not direct the three to put on their masks and removed his mask while conducting the meeting. At the end of the meeting, Pulver was asked to address the issue of legislators and staff not wearing masks, and the chairperson said lawmakers should, “...use your common sense and don’t go within six feet of (those not wearing masks.” Molinaro spokesperson Colleen Pillus said questions about the Legislature’s actions should be directed to Pulver. But, she added: “My understanding is that legislators who attend in person for the Legislature’s upcoming meetings, with the next being the committee meetings on Thursday (Jan. 13) … will be wearing masks.” Read the full story in the Daily Freeman.