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Windham Mountain slightly scales back development plans
Michael Ryan reports in Porcupine Soup that an official from Windham Mountain Club said at a Dec. 21 planning board meeting that it has scrapped plans for an onsite hotel and amphitheater, but still plans to build 60-plus townhouses and get new members at $175,000 each with access to services others will not have. The ski resort also plans improvements to their golf course and to the Adventure Center tubing park where tennis, pickle ball, and skeet shooting will placed, but they do not have all finalized plans yet. A memo from the resort's engineering firm said, “We recommend that the planning board provide [Windham Mountain Club] time to provide said information and consider issuing a determination of significance at your January 18 [2024] meeting.” Windham residents have expressed concern that the resort is changing from a place where they could ski, to something they cannot afford. Read more about this story in Porcupine Soup.