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Hudson Common Council to vote on police contract
Dec 12, 2019 12:45 pm
Amanda Purcell is reporting for Columbia-Greene Media Hudson Common Council will vote on the city's proposed new police contract December 17, despite what Common Council President Tom DePietro called an attempt by members of the Hudson Police Department to intimidate lawmakers during the course of a public meeting last month. “It was highly inappropriate for members of the force to come to our last meeting in full uniform which can only be understood as an effort to intimidate,” DePietro said. “As much as we value our police, they have no say in when or how we scheduled what is to be discussed at our meetings.” The contract was discussed by the Council behind closed doors, Monday. Chief L. Edward Moore and representatives of Local 3979 of the Law Enforcement Officers Union, Local 82, declined to respond to DePietro's statements this week. Representatives of the union and some city officials signed a Memorandum of Agreement October 25, constituting a tentative agreement, effective January 1, 2020, through December 31, 2023. DePietro, 2d Ward Alderwoman Tiffany Garriga as well as Police committee chair and Mayor-elect Kamal Johnson have lamented the lack of transparency within city government during negotiations. They have alleged that details of the process and the resulting agreement were kept from them, making it difficult for lawmakers to do their due diligence prior to a vote. The approved agreement must be enacted by local law. Ed. note: DePietro is an active WGXC volunteer programmer. Read the full story at HudsonValley360 [dot] com.