WGXC-90.7 FM

Mayor Hallenbeck lays out goals for new year
Jan 30, 2014 8:02 am
John Mason is reporting in the Register Star at the top of Hudson Mayor William H. Hallenbeck Jr.'s list of priorities for the coming year is attracting future development to the city. Hallenbeck said, “I think our waterfront is paramount to what we have going in the city of Hudson. A lot of our considerations for business are small business, which is fantastic, people becoming entrepreneurs. But we have to look at what the waterfront has to offer: I’d like to see eventually a substantial hotel [there]." Other items on the mayor's wish list include completion of the police-court complex, a conclusion to the Furgary story, a resolution of the truck route dilemma and instituting public transportation from Hudson to Columbia-Greene Community College. Hallenbeck will talk city issues and more on WGXC's Newline Radio, 9:30 p.m., Fri., Jan. 31.