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State Senate passes August primary election bill

Mar 04, 2016 8:30 am

Matthew Hamilton is reporting at Capitol Confidential the state Senate Wed., Mar. 2, approved legislation that would consolidate state and federal primaries to a single date in August. Debate over the bill was robust, sparking discussion over more than just New Yorkers’ voting habits and saving money on separate elections. It also covered when people take their summer vacations, the need to stop “playing tiddlywinks” and pass legislation that ensures military personnel the right to vote, and whether time allows for lawmakers to campaign during the legislative session. Senate Democrats supported legislation that would move the state primary date to June, matching it up with the recent trend for the federal primary. Similar legislation was approved by the Assembly last month. The issue was up for debate because of a 2012 federal court decision. That decision required the state to set federal primaries for the fourth Tuesday in June, but did nothing to set the state primary date, making New York the only state in the country with split primaries. Read the full story at Capitol Confidential.