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Catskill Town Board releases statement on Wheelabrator proposal
May 10, 2019 2:45 pm
The Catskill Town Board May 9, posted to its website a statement about where it stands on the ash landfill proposal put forward by Wheelabrator, three years ago. The statement says that, "[a]s individual residents and taxpayers, every member of the Town Board opposes new business uses that could increase pollution in the town of Catskill. " However, the board said, it welcomes "...discussions with any business that proposes to create jobs and reduce our high residential taxes." The board statement, published over the names of Supervisor Doreen Davis, Patrick McCulloch, Paul Vosburgh, Dawn Scannapieco and Jared Giordiano, states that when the town was initially contacted by Wheelabrator, the board said it would await notification from the DEC that the proposal meets all environmental regulations. The board's position remains the same, and the "DEC review is still underway." The board will not proactively take action by passing a special local law against the proposal because to do so would create legal problems for the town. "If we bring action tailored to deprive a landowner of rights, they can (and do) bring legal actions backed by deep pockets against the town government, which can cost taxpayers millions," according to the statement. The board said it chose to minimize the risk by choosing to await the results of the DEC review. Read the full statement at townofcastkillny [dot] gov.