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After a year, Hudson Code Enforcement Officer has new reason to stop Verizon antenna
Aliya Schneider reports for Columbia-Greene Media that while almost everyone locally uses the internet and cell service, some don't want to hang antennae to allow that service. In Hudson, for instance, the public hearing before the Planning Board on whether to hang a Verizon antenna on Providence Hall has dragged on for nine months. Now Code Enforcement Officer Craig Haigh says the applicantion will need an area variance from the zoning board because the plan does not have enough space from the antennae to the perimeter of the building required by the code. Haigh says he is concerned that an antenna could blow off the top of building, which houses low-income seniors and residents with disabilities. Allyson Phillips, an attorney for Verizon has a different interpretation of the code, saying that it applied instead to a stand-alone tower, not a building. Phillips also wondered why, after more than a year of discussion, the city was now putting forth this new theory. Read more about this story at HudsonValley360.com.