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Delgado still has no plan to end child detention centers
Jul 09, 2019 12:56 am
Ariél Zangla reports for the Daily Freeman that Rep. Antonio Delgado talked to reporters July 8 about the migrant children being held in detention centers along the border of the United States and Mexico. But a few days after more than a hundred protesters outside his Kingston office asking Delgado to do something about the camps Delgado still did not advocate for specific action to close the camps. "I share in the outrage people have expressed over the horrifying treatment of our fellow human beings. I find it unconscionable," the Rhinebeck-based Democrat said. Since the July 2 protest, he has not offered specific proposals. Instead he touted a hearing this week from the House Oversight and Reform Committee, of which he is not a member. "I think this kind of increased oversight is of paramount importance," Delgado said. "I look forward to hearing the testimony at the hearing." As far as actual votes, both Delgado and Rep. Paul Tonko, who represents Albany County, backed a House bill for emergency funding for humanitarian assistance at the Southern border. But then when Republicans in the Senate killed that bill and replaced it with their own, Tonko sided with many Democrats voting against the bill, while Delgado voted with Republicans in favor of the Senate bill. Delgado also said July 8 that he is still against impeaching the president. "My thoughts are we need to continue as we have been, which is to aggressively investigate," Delgado said. Tonko is in favor of beginning impeachment hearings. Read more about this story in the Daily Freeman.