WGXC-90.7 FM

Snowmobiles cause tempers to flare in Stuyvesant

Jan 16, 2011 11:06 pm
Snowmobiles, like other vehicles, can fan flames of road rage, and in the Town of Stuyvesant they can also cause a "scrum" or "fracas" inside too. Those are the words Bob Green used in the Register-Star to describe a part of a town meeting there when a report by the Recreation Committee asked the town to enforce the terms of a conservation easement on a town park held by the Columbia Land Conservancy. [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Snowmobiles in Yellowstone Park, from Wikipedia."][/caption](Green is not clear about whether the incident took place at the Jan. 8 Recreation Committee meeting or the Jan. 13 Stuyvesant town board meeting.) WGXC's Martin Roby shared a recording of the meeting with WGXC, and listeners can hear the chaos that erupted in the room. Listeners can try to determine exactly what is said, but clearly someone is called a bozo. Listen here for yourself or copy and paste the following url into your computer's media player: