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White supremacist recruiting notice found at Hudson waterfront
Hate Watch Report is reporting that a white supremacist recruiting sticker was found at the Hudson boat launch on Sat., Dec. 18. The sticker was affixed to a bench in the boat launch parking area. White supremacists on Telegram organized a series of rallies under the banner of “White Lives Matter” in major American cities over the weekend. The Telegram addresses on the notice found Saturday in Hudson lead to an online call-to-action: "Tomorrow, 18th of December we must again go out and spread the message that we ARE fighting for White Children's future and that we welcome all good-willing people to join us. Time is running out, and we are aware of it. For our children! W[hite] L[ives] M[atter] N[ew] Y[ork] is prepping for today's event with eagerness and vigor. We are looking forward to garnering the attention of and raising awareness for our brothers and sisters within The Empire State!" According to Hate Watch, the framework for local white supremacists to organize rallies was launched on the social media platform Telegram in late March. The specific rallies are organized by locals who create new Telegram channels using the initials of their states or cities. In some cases, the channels for local rallies could be a way to gauge local interest. The Anti-Defamation League defines "White Lives Matter" as a white supremacist phrase that originated in early 2015 as a racist response to the Black Lives Matter movement. Since 2015, white supremacists in several states, especially members of the Texas-based white supremacist group Aryan Renaissance Society, have promoted the slogan. Read more at hatewatchreport [dot] com.