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Hunter Planning Board changes application policy
Oct 07, 2009 3:18 am

(Town of Hunter Planning Board Chairman Mark Hyer.)
Click here to listen to or download the Town of Hunter Planning Board meeting from Oct. 6, 2009.
The Town of Hunter Planning Board changed its application policy at its regular meeting tonight. New projects will need to apply ten days before the board meets (first Tuesday of the month), and comments to current projects before the board also need to be submitted ten days before monthly meetings. Replies to those comments need to be submitted five days before each meeting. The board only looked at two projects tonight, and spent almost two hours pushing the 92-unit Cortina Mountain Estates project toward a SEQR declaration. Planning Board Chairman Mark Hyer moved to have the project redo a line of sight assesment, but his motion failed. The board left project lawyer Jason Shaw with a few minor environmental points to clear up next meeting (on election night, Nov. 3), but failed to vote on the SEQR. "One more meeting," Ernie Reale said. "You can't say that Ernie, that might be a little premature," Hyer retorted. The board did give a conditional approval to the Petrolo subdivision, contigent on the project's two new units getting water and sewer service. Hyer also reported that the Town of Tannersville is not giving any new water hook-ups to anyone in the Town of Hunter.