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Local notes
Oct 08, 2009 3:04 pm

Dick May (pictured) knows his Town of Catskill. His Seeing Greene blog has two exemplary commentaries lately, looking deeper into the Catskill audit, and taking apart a Daily Mail report about a court decision affecting the election of Catskill's Greene County legislators. In "The Awful Audit" May explores how lax supervision, tardiness, raiding, poor control, inertia, and insecurity, all led to the blistering audit of the Village of Catskill. "'Poor planning,' 'unrealistic budgeting' and other 'inadequate management practices' have depleted the Village’s operating funds” and its 'ability to operate effectively' for its 4400 residents according to the report (2009M-53,“Fiscal Oversight and Internal Controls Over Selected Financial Activities”) from the Albany office of State Comptroller’s Division of Local Government and School Accounting." May writes. That report, "come(s) on the heels of an equally stinging report (2004M-11,Village of Catskill) that was issued in 2005," May writes. "The Village of Catskll [may be] too small financially to sustain professional business management," and the consolidation with the larger Town of Catskill might be in order. His earlier "Doing the News" examines Melanie Lekocevic's Sept. 23 story in The Daily Mail, "Court hands ballot spot to Voice party." May explicity lays out partiality, gross omission, an "insidious half-truth" and inaccuracies in the story about the New York State Supreme Court dismissing a case to block the Have a Voice political party from the ballot this year.....The Register-Star reports that the Stockport Town Board unanimously approved a new town law Wednesday creating a planned development district and paving the way for Holmes Estates at Columbia County, a 112-unit subdivision that's been discussed for five years....Cairo Planning Board member Tony Puorro said at the Planning Board meeting Wednesday that the town's new Zoning plan will go before the Town Board in January.