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Ulster recycling prices going up
May 24, 2018 1:11 pm
William J. Kemble reports in The Daily Freeman that the shrinking market for single-stream recycling as China is driving up prices in Ulster County. The Ulster County Resource Recovery Agency board wants to raise the agency’s rates for single-stream, or commingled, recyclables, six months before they stop accepting commingled recyclables completely. At an informational session in Kingston May 23, County Legislator Manna Jo Greene wanted the legislature's Recycling Oversight Committee to look at the county creating its own single-stream recycling facility. “We should really seriously (be) doing a consensus-building process for the long term,” she said. Kingston Mayor Steve Noble thought it was the agency's job. “The point of the agency ... is really to manage the county’s waste stream, and I really do feel that with the Ulster County Recycling Law as it’s written really tells the agency that it’s your responsibility to also manage recycling in the county,” he said. “Obviously, as recycling markets have changed, the agency has not necessarily changed.” Read the full story in The Daily Freeman.