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Copake GOP caucus endorses candidates
Jul 09, 2013 7:56 am
The Register Star is reporting the Copake Republican caucus has endorsed a slate of candidates for the November general election that includes a former superintendent of schools. David Paciencia (PAH-see-en-see-ah), superintendent of the Taconic Hills Central School District from 2001 to 2007, was the caucus choice for Town Board. Paciencia said, "I have no political bucket list. I simply want to give something back to our community.” The caucus also endorsed Glenn Schermerhorn (SKEH-mer-horn) for town justice and incumbent Town Board member Jean Mettier (MET-tier). In a joint statement, the Copake Republican Committee and Copake Republican Club said the candidates, with their experience and credentials, are the best choice for the betterment of Copake. Read the full story in the Register Star.